6 common coupon codes that brands offer
When one does not feel like stepping out, online shopping can also be therapeutic. Many online retail platforms offer coupon codes to users, helping them save up while shopping. These codes may be seasonal or apply if the items in one’s cart total a certain amount. Sometimes, those shopping from a website for the first time may also be eligible for coupon codes. Here are some common coupon codes brands use: WELCOME The “WELCOME” code is for customers shopping on an ecommerce site for the first time. This code has many variations, such as WELCOME + year (e.g., WELCOME2024) or WELCOME + the discount percentage (e.g., WELCOME20). Coupon codes for occasions Websites may also offer discounts for occasions like Easter and Christmas, with a coupon code for each. “NEWYEAR,” “CHRISTMAS,” and “EASTER” are some of these coupon codes for occasions. Sometimes, brands get creative with these codes, like having the code “JINGLE” for Christmas. Shopping season codes Shopping seasons like Black Friday and Cyber Monday offer huge discounts to shoppers. Discount codes for these seasons are the cherries on the cake. Besides the general “BLACKFRIDAY” and “CYBERMONDAY” codes, brands may also have these codes followed by the year (e.g., BLACKFRIDAY2023).
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